Thursday, July 8, 2010

If You Set Standards For Others, You Must Live Up To Them Yourself

Unless you live in a cave or don't follow Georgia Bulldog sports, you know by now that former UGA Athletic Director Damen Evans resigned from his post after being arrested for Driving Under the Influence.

What is ironic about this is that there were announcements made by Evans on the jumbo tron screen at Sanford Stadium during UGA football games telling fans to not drink and drive. It's unfortunate Evans couldn't live up to the standard he wanted students and fans to follow. The main topic in this blog is pretty simple. If you are a professor, athletic director, principal or some other position of leadership where you are responsible for setting the right example for young people, you must LIVE what you preach. Evans didn't do that and UGA President Michael Adams had no choice but to ask Evans to resign (i.e fire him).

How can you expect students to do what is right when those in charge of them don't. Yes, I know we all make mistakes, but some mistakes have more severe consequences than others. A major university's reputation is at stake. I wish Damen Evans would have thought of that before he did what he did. He did a fine job while he was the AD. Bulldog sports was doing well under his watch. He has brought in good coaches like Men's Basketball Coach Mark Fox, who will have the Dogs in the NCAA Tournament in the not too distant future. It is tragic that in one 24 hour period he ruined everything he had worked for at Georgia. However, if you are an educator, there are standards that you have to set for your students, and to do that, you must first set them for yourself.

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